Friday, September 13, 2013

Greeny :)

Grasshoppers are such cute little sweethearts! I never realized it before coming here.
I have a pet grasshopper in my room. When we met for the first time, I freaked out, but later he introduced me to his other friends. And they all were very interesting. So I brought him to my room.
We have baby grasshoppers, big green grasshoppers, black grasshoppers, brown grasshoppers, scary grasshoppers, sweet grasshoppers. I even saw a golden grasshopper!
There must be at least 1000 different species of them here.
The name of my pet is Greeny. 
Every morning, he wakes me up on time. I get ready for college, and then, say goodbye to him, he stays in the room.
I miss him a lot during the day, so once during the lunch hours, I go and see how is he doing and give him some food. 
Then I leave him again, with tears in his eyes! :'(
There's nothing better than coming back to the hostel after a long, tiring day and see Greeny waiting for me at the door, with twinkle in his eyes! :')
He also saves me from some of the irritating friends, by scaring them away.
I even wrote a poem for him, he liked it very much. He's one of the bestest friends I made here
So, a month after coming to college, I finally found something very interesting. 
Long live my Greeny!
PS - Yes, I am mad!