- Leisure, William Henry Davies
"What is this life if full of care, We have no time to stand and stare"
It's a poem all of us must have read somewhere or the other in middle school. The poet has beautifully expressed a great learning of life in just the limited space of two sentences.
In the fight for perfection, adults are so much careful and tense about being flawless:
being the best in studies
having the highest grade
having the best job
dating the perfect girl/boy
being the best in their research work
starting the best startup
So much preoccupied with their "priorities" that they are eternally busy shaping their perfect future that they many a times, end up with the feeling of so-much-to-do-so-little-time
Thus it takes only so much to find happiness. Having all the money, certificate, best business but internally, most of them are never satisfied, not at peace because they are most of the time conscious about their future which indeed is a mystery and has no control.
In the pursuit of success, we often tend to work so hard to become oblivious of our existence. our breath, walking on grass, the beautiful night sky, LOVELY flowers which greet us on our way to college/work, the chirping of birds in the morning, the selfless love of the mother, kindness of people around us, cold and lovely evening breeze ( Power cuts in the college :P ), refreshing rainfall, captivating sunrise and sunset, shady relief of a tree on a sunny day, the calming sound of the flowing river, the sweetness of fresh fruits and numerous other things.
We want to be the best, to succeed, but where are we going to end up being the best? What would we achieve at the end of this tireless fight?
I'm not criticizing those who work day and night to achieve what they want. It is definitely the best thing to do. That's not the point.
Surely, we would achieve something substantial.. but we would be missing out on a lot.
We are not alone on this earth, we are a part of the nature, which is more powerful and divine, bigger than all of us to take care of us Earthlings.
So it would be nice if we leave all the problems to the supreme and keep doing our work.
(Or as Dory says, "Just Keep Swimming") ;)
And at the same time, not being too careful not to fail. For just a part of the day, take a pause, sit back, stare at the beautiful creatures and the art being created every moment around us, which would make us a part of the beautiful song of life going on, which plays all the time, but not everyone gets to hear it :D