"This had to happen sooner or later, you should have been prepared." she said to herself as she wiped away a solitary tear drop sliding across her left cheek.
Today. After all this time, it happened that the will power gave up and the lingering fire finally famished, devoid of anything to feed upon now.
Now that she's having it, she despised this feeling absolutely. Yet it came with a satisfying tinge of its own. Satisfying because knowing that this is the finale. It all ends here.
Why is it satisfying, when it's wrenching your heart completely, you may ask.
You are secretly wishing for something to happen, with all your intention: Something which may, or may not happen. Knowing that it is never going to happen can be a blow in the beginning. But it gives you the permission to abandon all your desire for that thing, and get along with the pace of life, and leave the flowers of false hope to rot.
It is official now that the doors have been sealed by fate and it's time to move ahead and look around, there is nothing for you here now.
Now this is something unusual to hear from an obstinate person like me. Even I didn't expect this. But what can we say. It took way too much time for me to realize.
The time has come. The act is over. The heart and mind had to accept it now. They did. It's time to think of a beautiful life, without this false dream now.
You must have felt this kind of feeling at least once in your life, which is a perfect balance of agonising pain and enervating sadness.
Today. After all this time, it happened that the will power gave up and the lingering fire finally famished, devoid of anything to feed upon now.
Now that she's having it, she despised this feeling absolutely. Yet it came with a satisfying tinge of its own. Satisfying because knowing that this is the finale. It all ends here.
Why is it satisfying, when it's wrenching your heart completely, you may ask.
You are secretly wishing for something to happen, with all your intention: Something which may, or may not happen. Knowing that it is never going to happen can be a blow in the beginning. But it gives you the permission to abandon all your desire for that thing, and get along with the pace of life, and leave the flowers of false hope to rot.
It is official now that the doors have been sealed by fate and it's time to move ahead and look around, there is nothing for you here now.
Now this is something unusual to hear from an obstinate person like me. Even I didn't expect this. But what can we say. It took way too much time for me to realize.
The time has come. The act is over. The heart and mind had to accept it now. They did. It's time to think of a beautiful life, without this false dream now.
You must have felt this kind of feeling at least once in your life, which is a perfect balance of agonising pain and enervating sadness.
And that, my friend (as Rachel says it) is what we call c.l.o.s.u.r.e.
Fare thee well, dream unfulfilled.