Tuesday, June 4, 2024

And then it rains

The consistent sunny weather seems too good to be true. Is this year special? You lose yourself in enjoying it, anticipating the best, creating numerous plans for the more sunny days to come. Why wouldn't you? You are bubbling with positivity and everywhere you can see is full of life.

And then it rains. It's not subtle. It consumes you at start. Completely. 
Just like that, with no warning, you have lost all the sunshine in a flash. The skies pour down - outside, and within. You're scouring both these skies for any single photon you could find. Is there maybe one? You close your eyes and desperately cling on to the leftover rays you could recall. It's taxing to do so. It starts to physically pain you. And then you drift away into sleep. 

It is still raining when you wake up. It starts to hail. You are livid. Is this anger towards the sun? How dare it just disappear at its peak brightness? Is this anger towards yourself? How come you didn't have any influence over the sun? 

Eventually it rains a little less. There are even instances of weak sun rays falling on your window. Is it your loved ones who are trying to send small packets of sunshine from their far away lands to help you get along? Is it you getting used to the new weather? Regardless of the reason, some normalcy creeps in. You get a little comfortable. There are still bursts of lightning every now and then. The lightning brings back all the misery. But it is short lived. You are feeling guilty now. All the hopes and anticipation and I am done with missing the sun already so soon? In this mix of emotions, some time passes by. You have fleeting memories of the sun, but the days go on.

And then it starts to rain. And once again, suddenly it floods your world. You  accept your new world, and the rain has changed you to fit this new world. 

Since hope is the currency of life, you still have a desire to see a rainbow somewhere far along in time. For now,  you sit on the balcony and your gaze alternates between the muddy mess in the ground, the clouds above, and the occasional patches of sky visible through them. 

The drizzle continues.