Friday, January 10, 2014

Reasons Why I HATE Winters!

So, the temperature here is sufficiently low to make me write this. 

Wheel, electricity, bulb, radio, computer, phone, rocket etc - all these inventions seem worthless when compared to a geyser, not to forget the kid-like urgency of tucking yourself in a quilt after having dinner and a cold water hand-wash!

So here are my reasons for hating winters:

  • The first and foremost reason why I deeply, fully, completely hate winters is that you get cold hands and feet. I don't like cold hands and feet. I never get warm no matter how many layers of clothing I wear.
  • The never ending struggle to find the cellphone lost in the blanket is highly annoying. Also, you cannot find a suitable position to read in the blanket.
  • I can't do the waking up before sun rise thing in winters. I'll be awake just not entirely with it from now until March time.
  • There is mad fog in the campus. No going for a walk after dinner!
  • Winters are for sleeping the whole day. But you have to wake up early in the morning for college
  • Your fingers are frozen. You cannot write anything.
  • Everything is so dull, lifeless. Not good.
  • After you brush, your mouth is frozen! Also, it is very annoying when the sleeve of your sweater/jacket gets wet while washing hands. Arrrr!
  • You keep shivering all the time.
  • Coconut oil gets frozen. Then you have to do hard work to melt it and then you can oil your hair peacefully.
I could write more, but my fingers have frozen enough already! 
Happy Whatever-is-remaining-of-the-winter winter! 
Keep yourself warm! *Disfruter de la vida* :)
P.S. - There are some exceptions. 
Read it here

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